If you read my last post you know that I am loving Oprah’s new program on her OWN network called Lifeclass. Every week night at 8 pm ET she showers us with inspirational messages: lessons, stories, and aha moments assembled from her experiences in the media and in her own personal life.

It is her “Joy Rising” Friday classes, however – which she dedicates to the innate power of human resilience and joy – that are turning out to be my absolute favorites!

In last Friday’s one-hour joyful jam-fest she shared this contemplation …

“This is what I know about improving your life: you can’t improve it from a depressed state. You have to find the slightest little bit of happiness emanating from whatever you can. And I always say: If you can’t find anything to be happy about to fill you with real joy, close your eyes … and consider for a moment…your breath. You still have it…. You’re here…. Right now…. Let that fill you up, and build from there…” –Oprah, Lifeclass, October 21, 2011

So what is one little thing you can do to raise your spirits and lighten your load? What is one thing that you see in front of you right this second that makes you smile?

Place your attention on that.

And notice your joy rising.

(p.s. If it moves you to share what is juicing you up right now, please share it in the comment below! And notice if writing it down raises your spirits even more)


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