Moving Mountains (One Baby Step at a Time)

“Change happens slowly, then all at once.” –Unknown.

Dear Friends,

This has been an exciting last couple of weeks for me. As many of you know, my first article was published in the Huffington Post!

It’s a really good thing I didn’t know it would take years to realize this dream of writing a column one day. Years of writing hundreds of sh–ty first drafts…

…Years of honing, editing, and pitching.
…Years of cursing, wailing, and wishing.
…Years of breaking through… and breaking down… and breaking through…

So whatever your passion happens to be, here’s my two cents: go for it.

Whether it is writing the next bestseller or keeping your email inbox moderately tamed…

Just do it.

Do it imperfectly and keep doing it.

Do it even if you have to claw your way up the mountain one bloody stump at a time.

Do it because we are all rooting for you to make it to the top of your Mount Everest!

Do it because “you are already naked and there is no reason not to follow your heart” as Steve Jobs wisely invoked in his (now famous) Stanford commencement address.

Do it, not because of some desired outcome, but because your soul depends on it.

If you could use a supporting and energizing lift to help you – whether it is to begin anew, feel lighter, get clear, or deepen the experience of what already works in your life – keep reading. There are some world-class opportunities that are not to be missed!

May this fall bring a harvest feast of effortless possibility.

Happy (clearing) trails!


Read more from the Fall 2011 issue of Your Spacious News*

* Published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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Photo: Bing Images: GoJunko, mountain-of-blue

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