Hamming With The Turkey

Turkeys get a bad rap until it’s Thanksgiving Day, when they hold court and have us bending over backwards fussing all over them (notwithstanding their demise).

Unless you’re “Aunt Mary” who doesn’t seem all that impressed by our Nation’s Thanksgiving treasure.

The video below at the expense of the poor old bird is very funny and Julia-Child-esque.

All irreverence aside, Chef “Tante Marie” (aka Mary Risley) is a celebrated pro, with honors that include “The Cooking Teacher of the Year” by BON APPETIT magazine, and “Humanitarian of the Year” by the James Beard Foundation, for her efforts to help alleviate hunger in San Francisco.

In the video she makes a mean gravy, yummy side dishes, and best of all,  reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously!

Pass the Pinot… bottoms up… and keep smiling!! There’s a lot to grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

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