Lifting the Veil on the Soul’s Journey

It’s that time of year again when it is believed that the veil between the living and the spirit world is the thinnest.

I don’t know about you but in less than a week I’ve heard about the passing over of several mothers of friends and acquaintances of mine who struggled in the end but made the journey with great courage and spirit.

There’s the death of Steve Jobs and the gorgeous eulogy written by his biological sister Mona Simpson and published recently in the New York Times. In it Simpson talks about her brother’s life, his loves, and his final words that are simply breathtaking: “OH WOW, OH WOW, OH WOW.”

Also this week I “happened on” one of Oprah’s Lifeclasses – Lesson 12 “Holding On to The Past,” to be precise – where she revisits an interview she did with a young couple trying to make sense of the premature death of one of their twin babies. Oprah explored the “why [does the unfathomable happen to] us?” question, and how do we release the enormous burden of guilt we feel for being the one who survives?

In the segment you see the amazing Gary Zukav offering this wisdom:

“You are not your circumstances. You are a higher level of being and consciousness that is a soul. Life is much bigger than just a body. When you are grieving over the loss of a loved one, sense the presence of their soul, which is always with you, instead of the personality that is gone.” –Gary Zukav

So yes, I’d say that “death” in any form is always up for us to consider, if not for the promise of what might be on the other side of it. I don’t believe that we have to wait either for All Soul’s Day to come around to receive its goodies.

Consider this a wonderful opportunity to honor, celebrate, and move forward with your life! You can take a page out of the festive Mexican tradition and create an altar to honor the aspects of your self that have served you well, and release with love the parts that no longer serve.

Or just close your eyes and repeat this blessing: “May _________ [this thing, thought, part of myself, painful past memory, habit, relationship, being…] be fully released for the highest and best good of all concerned. And so it is. And so it shall be.”

I can only imagine what the ride will be like to the other side when our time comes. But if Steve’s Jobs’ final words are any indication, I think it will be an exquisite homecoming.

Even more so if we’ve completed what we came here to do.


Photo: Google Images/ Veil between worlds

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