The Long Road to Overnight Success

In 2007 I published my first book. It was a thing of beauty.

What most people don’t know is that bringing “my baby” into the world took years.

It was a journey that looked something like this:

  • I wrote the book before I knew that people don’t usually write books (they write proposals and sell their book concept first).
  • I scoured the resource section at my local library and online sites that listed agents “actively looking.”
  • I took copious notes.
  • I attended a 3-hour workshop at my local Adult Ed center to learn how to write a stellar query letter and book proposal. Took more copious notes.
  • I bolstered my resolve with stories of writers who became famous (by selling books out of the trunk of their car).
  • I hired a free-lance writer and editor to help me edit my pudgy proposal.
  • I composed a spectacular one-page query letter, revised it about fifty times, and sent it to  25 literary agents.
  • I received yeses from 10 of them, including one from Jan Miller (agent to Dr. Phil and Tony Robbins) who found my concept “highly engaging.” Things were starting to look up…(I thought).
  • I was (graciously) rejected by every one.
  • I crumpled.
  • I had no platform, which is industry code for being someone well known, credentialed, “an expert” (which I was, but hadn’t demonstrated).
  • Back to square one.
  • Out of somewhere I found to strength and courage to press on.
  • I took the entire book apart, opened up a new Word doc. on my computer, and started all over again.
  • …and published it myself…. nine months later.

Fast forward to present time

As my full grown “baby” now, Your Spacious Self

  • Is enjoying a second edition run as a self-published book.
  • Shows up routinely in the top 100 books under “Stress Management” on Amazon.
  • Has spawned a video, a free email message series, a companion online course.

And has led to…

  • Teaching opportunities at world-class centers like Kripalu…
  • Appearances on nationally-recognized radio shows that feature people like Dr. Oz and Dr. Maya Angelou…
  • A column in the Huffington Post…
  • More online goodies – like my brand new – fabulous28-day course from DailyOM (which became the #1 top selling course in two days!)

So you see, it doesn’t pay to give up on your dream.

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