Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life: What People Are Saying

“When I started the course I was focused on “clear your home” which was what I thought I needed. It turns out “clear your life” is what I really need and this is nurturing my soul.”

As many of you know, I created a self-guided online course for DailyOM that helps you ease into clearing your home and life one day at a time.

What you may not know that in just two weeks the response has been PHENOMENAL!

From over a hundred so far, here’s a sample of the comments people have been posting on the “Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life” comment thread – each one a poignant expression of courage, humor, and clearing at its very best!

  • “The format of this course, small bites, with journal prompts is the best I have ever experienced. With the exception of the day I did one little thing, and made a huge mess, it is working out well.”
  • “As I read Lesson 3 today, I began to cry. Everything pertained to me.”
  • “Wow – today was lesson 4 for me. i have a hard time having my journal by my side, taking myself serious enough to do the lessons. today something clicked. Thank you! i wrote and wrote. all the questions leading to one answer – It’s a way ouT…”
  • “For me, decluttering is about making my life easier and removing the self-shame I feel when I see my clutter. I loved the lesson on Choosing Ease. I’m keeping that mantra and feel relaxation and space when I repeat it. I’m trusting the process.”
  • “…I use the meditations when my mind is racing and I cannot get to sleep.”
  • “I’ve been fighting putting things away for …um well…let’s just say “a while”. This morning I put a meditation music cd on, lit some candles, and went into it with a peaceful, easy, non-judgmental attitude…Well, I cannot tell you how great it is to have most of my three rooms completely in order.”
  • “I just finished day 3, and now I am thinking that this is where the rubber meets the road. If I just focus on one little thing, and finish it, I won’t feel so compelled to start another distracting messy, project. But, I might after I finish. Even while reading the lesson, my mind was buzzing with a new idea.”
  • “This course really is amazing-I have been doing Stephanie’s clearing with her free e-mails through her website for nearly three years which is similar to this course and every time I clear my stuff on the inside the outside really takes care of it self. Or when I feel like I am stuck and can not get my energy moving – I do the inner clutter clearing and shifts happens.”
  • “…The emails have been deleted, the ‘unsubscribe’ has been utilized and I’m feeling great. Now, if I can get rid of the migraine, and “clear” that out, I’ll be GREAT! Ha!! Thanks All. (I’m on 8 “Enough” and the guided meditation is very helpful).”
  • “…I like the “non-linear” gestalt of the course…”
  • “[After] lesson #3 I realized that a lot of the overwhelmed feelings come from someone else’s expectations of how precisely and completely and continuously all the things on the ‘list’ should be done. I can do them … I can do something, little or big, according to my energy and time. And I will.”
  • “…Here’s my pledge: TONIGHT I WILL CLEAR AN AREA THE SIZE OF A HULA-HOOP! Who knew the hula-hoop would ever come back into my life!?”
  • “Wow! I love being at ease. Thank you so much for this!!!”
  • If you had told me a couple weeks ago that the mere act of sweeping could change my life, i would have laughed in your face. My life is so cluttered and complicated how could sweeping help? Well I proved myself wrong and the simple act of sweeping has changed my life for the better. I feel so much more in tune with myself. Just to keep on keeping on! One step, 1 lesson at a time…
  • “I find this whole process phenomenal. Never in a million years would I have thought THIS would be the way to get my home organized! I LOVE seeing all the levels of energy change in my home as I change the physical. Like an iceberg, changing the tip that shows up physically, while the majority of change is happening below the surface is awesome.”
  • “This course is only getting better and better. As I clear the cobwebs between my ears, I also am clearing my home of stuff! After all for me, it always starts with the clearing of my mind first, with intention. This last lesson #8 was a lovely meditation in clearing and a most pleasant way to start off my day! Thank you again Stephanie, for having been guided yourself personally, to write and make this class available to all of us who needed it.”

Shift happens.

If you could use a shift in your home and life, click here to learn more about this unique course.

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