“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”–Mary Oliver.

Dear Friends,

In two weeks I depart for Spain to co-present a women’s retreat and teach one of my most favorite clearing programs.* After that I get to meet up with my husband at the finish line of his five-week journey; to celebrate the fulfillment of his lifelong dream of walking the Camino to Santiago de Compostela.

If that is not exciting enough, we also get to visit with our daughter in Paris, who has spent that past four months realizing a life dream of her own: speaking French and connecting with her love of history, writing, and fashion in the City of Light.

Each of these overlapping journeys started as a spark of an idea and tons of chutzpah – especially for our daughter, who, just a mere year ago, spoke zero French!

Through sheer grit and desire she managed to squeak in enough language credits and get herself accepted into one of most elite political science institutes in the world. Now a student with a full course load (all in French, of course), and an intern for Women’s Wear Daily, the girl is doing it!

What can I say? I am continually amazed by what can happen when we put one foot in front of the other, do what makes our heart sing (even if we don’t know where it will lead us), and let go of attachment to the outcome.

  • What callings  are bubbling up (or bursting forth) in your life?
  • What life dreams are you ready to step into, and realize, once and for all?
  • What chapters in your life are you ready to complete and celebrate?

If you’re feeling a little lost or stale, you could adopt a daily one-minute clearing practice (like the one I offer below). Or try 28 daily clearing offerings from my online course on DailyOM. There’s the brand new Pearls of Wisdom book that could inspire and help put a spring in your step.

There are infinite ways to get unstuck and connect you to the unmistakable stirrings of your Soul. All you need is to start somewhere. And keep going.

Wishing you a fantastic spring – bursting and bubbling with spacious possibility.

Happy Clearing!


**This post is excerpted from my Spring 2012 Newsletter. SpaceClear Journeys is published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt.

Read more of the spring 2012 issue here

See full listing of Stephanie’s newsletters here


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