Inspiration, Then Vision

As I like to say “hanging out in not-knowing” is a juicy place to be if you can handle the uncertainty of it.

Lena Stevens, author of the Power Path newsletter, explains it even better:

“Many of us have been taught that you have to have the vision first and then you set your intention and then you infuse that intention with creativity to make it happen. That puts the masculine first and the feminine second. And therein lies the disconnect.

Pure unorganized creativity, the void, chaos, inspiration and beauty have to come first. We must become comfortable with this space of holding all possibilities without form. Then the vision and intention and organization will follow naturally and without any effort. Chaos never remains unorganized for long. This is one of the principles of the universe and we must let go of our need to always control the chaos we perceive around us. The need to control chaos is rooted in the fear of the feminine and thus breeds a fear of creativity, destruction and change.

This space of holding creativity without form may be uncomfortable for many of you, but if you resist the urge to control it you will be rewarded with Vision coming in its own time. Vision is not necessarily intellectually clear. In fact it will be more potent if it is emotionally or intuitively clear. You may not understand intellectually what you are feeling or sensing but it will seem right. Learn to follow a new set of signals and guiding principles. And remember that help is always around. All you have to do is ask.”

–Excerpted from The Power Path, June 2012 forecast by Lena Stevens

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