Dear Friends,*

It was my husband who said over dinner once: “Change happens slowly, then all at once.”

That one line just about sums up my life this year.

In late February, I was offered a book contract. Your Spacious Self (my five year-old “baby”) is getting a world-class make-over!

What inspired me to say yes to my publisher had a lot to do with what I have observed since my book first came out: that people seem to be more overwhelmed than ever. There is no time to juggle it all, let alone clear the things and thoughts that cause us to feel so stressed in the first place! I was motivated to deliver a palpable experience of clarity and ease in one minute flat.

For three months I partnered with one of the best editors in the biz. He helped me integrate the depth and teachings of the original book with all new inspiring stories and clearing practices. The remake has produced an entirely different book that feels more like an Artist’s Way approach to clearing – with Anne Lamott-like stories infused throughout to give the book a lighter feel and help us all come out of our cluttered closets, as it were.

Your Spacious Self is graduating to new heights of elegant simplicity, and as a proud “mom,” I could not be more thrilled! Translations rights and audio rights have been sold already – so you can read it in Danish or Dutch, and listen to it on your way to work! The book comes out officially on November 1st from Hierophant Publishing, and can preordered through Amazon here.

What are some changes in your life that you’d like to celebrate? In what ways are you noticing changes that are right around the corner? If you could use a little inspiration and prompting, keep reading. There’s more…

Wishing you a summer blooming with welcome changes and spacious possibilities.


p.s. If you would like an autographed copy of the original “chrysalis edition” to read the stories, supporting science, and meditations (that are not included in the new, upcoming book),  I have a limited number of copies available for purchase on a first come first serve basis. Learn more and order your signed “collector’s” copy from Stephanie here

* This is an excerpt of Stephanie’s quarterly newsletter. To read more click the link below:

Click here to read more from Stephanie’s Summer 2012 newsletter

 Published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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