Blue Moon Special: Gateway to Transformation

“Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”–Mary Oliver.

We’ve all heard the expression “once in a blue moon.”

What if you had a chance to ask for and receive anything your heart desired? And all that was required of you to activate and set your intentional energies in motion would be to carve out a little extra time in your day for quiet contemplation, stillness, gratitude, and gentle self-care?

I’d say any day is a good day for this, of course, but today might be especially potent. When we get a full moon twice in a month, our heart’s desires will be doubly blessed (I’m told).

If you could use a little extra help visualizing what your highest and best self would really love, need, or want, you can read my latest article in the Huffington Post: “Spacious Images: Picturing the Life You Want.”

You can also try the ritual that I read about in today’s email message from Stacey Robyn, founder of Go Gratitude:

With all the intense earth changes, social unrest, political jest
and downright muck and mire we’ve been slogging through these
past few moons, we’re all ready for a bright Light to Illuminate
and ease the Way.

Besides being a Blue Moon, it is also a
Double Dragon Full Moon…

My teacher, Sister of the Heart and
Quero Apache HolyOne, Maria Yraceburu,
offers this simple ceremony for aligning with
the energies of the Dragon Moon:

“Go out and sit under the stars.  Find the one that calls
to you. Allow the ancestry to flood your heart, slow down
and pace yourself. We join with Earth now, as is our birth
right, and experience her transmutational power.

Appreciate the beautiful confirmations you receive.
Together, aligning in time, in passion, we attract the
rainbow and build the bridge.”

Beloveds, the HeartFire is a Gateway of transformation, a tool
for purification, and an inner Light that guides and Illuminates
the Pathway.

As we are all in a period of intense initiation, with Earth changes
in full-swing (mirroring the shifting of our inner landscape and
the purification of our collective consciousness) HONORING
our selves, our Inner Knowing, and daily making space to care
for ourselves is paramount.

In our own lives we’ve been experiencing bouts of dizziness,
nausea, and frequent ringing in the ears.  Daily naps have become
a necessity, instead of a luxury, and we find we require extra
time to accomplish even seemingly simple tasks.

A slurry of old memories are popping up left and right, ready to
be witnessed, accepted and released.  Perhaps this is happening
for you, too.  Remember – Gratitude is truly the Master Key that
opens us to the fiery healing power of Love. So when life gets
intense, sometimes the best thing to do is just breathe into the
HeartFire and give Thanks!

By Honoring our Selves, our Truth, our Bodies and All Our Relations
we add our purified essence and energy to the raising of
consciousness, simultaneously releasing fear and stepping
out of old stories … into full presence and empowered, authentic

In addition to the simple Full Moon ceremony shared above, Maria
Yraceburu add this:

“This is important ===> In our way, time is set aside after
transition for gentle entry into new life.”

In other words:  This Double Dragon Blue Moon is BIG, fiery,
soul-healing, Heart-Firing stellar Initiation.  In the weeks and
months following, it is vital to create space each day to ease into
the new energies …  to fully settle into the new life-codes flowing
through right now.

During the coming weeks, and months, as we settle into the new
energies, be sure to make space each day to re-center.

Meditation, entering the silence, connection and communion with
Nature, and accessing our Inner Knowing are vital to taking
life-affirming action in a grounded, present, peace-filled way.

Napping, lots of pure water, high-vibe foods and grateful thoughts
will do wonders, too, for making our way gracefully through the
Gateways of change…”

–From Stacey Robyn,



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