
She’s Here! My NEW Book is Born!

Ta-da! Advanced copies of my book arrived last week…my own personal stash – before they go out into the world on launch day of October 1, 2012. They are sitting in my dining room as we speak. And I’m BOWLED OVER by how gorgeous she is – both inside and out.

It’s been a long haul since February when my book got picked up by Hierophant Publishing, and totally worth the massive effort of combining two books into this one amazing guide to cultivating clarity and spaciousness.

Your Spacious Self is two-thirds new content. It integrates the depth and teachings of the original award-winning book with…all-new nourishing lessons and daily practices in slowing down, simplifying, and self-care.  If Anne Lamott and the Artist’s Way went on a clearing journey together, it would be this jewel of a book!

If you would like to purchase an autographed copy from me (before the rest of the world gets a crack at it) I have plenty of copies available. Just click here and I’ll send it out right away.

You can also pre-order on Amazon here [note: the “Look Inside” feature has not yet been updated]

Learn more about this book

Advance Praise for Your Spacious Self

  • “Stephanie Bennett Vogt’s book is an enlightening combination of wisdom, humor, and common sense. It takes those daily (and sometimes annoying) tasks in home tending and transforms them into an experience that will open your heart and feed your soul.” –Arielle Ford, author Wabi Sabi Love
  • “Your Spacious Self will teach you how to clear you house and your mind!” –Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author of Happy For No Reason and Love for No Reason
  • “Homes are like bodies. All they need is a little daily care to support well being to last a lifetime. And nobody shows you how to do this better than Stephanie Bennett Vogt.” –Miriam Nelson, Ph.D., international bestselling author of the Strong Women Stay Young books
  • “Don’t miss Stephanie Bennett Vogt’s newly revised edition of Your Spacious Self, inspiring a unique approach to addressing the ‘clutter’ that permeates our inner and outer worlds. Stephanie is the real deal and masterfully guides us through a process that allows us to be fully present and joyfully connected – even in our most challenging moments. The tools shared are simple – the results are profound and will transform your life in the most unexpected ways. Enjoy!” –Amy Mims, Director, The New England School of Feng Shui
  • Your Spacious Self is a true gem. Stephanie Bennett Vogt’s kind, wise, and honest teachings will guide and keep by you for a long time. Her clearing practices are worth the price of the book. I highly recommend it.”  –Marilyn Paul, Ph.D., author, international bestseller It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t Find Your Keys: The Seven Step Path to Becoming Truly Organized; www.marilynpaul.com

Purchase an autographed copy

Learn more about the book (see Table of Contents, read a sample chapter, and more!)

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