Clearing Clutter as a Spiritual Practice

Does one ever get done clearing?

I was asked that question recently by the folks that are publishing my book in Danish.

Here’s what I told them:

The bad news is that clearing never ends. The good news is that clearing never ends. It becomes more enlivening, juicy, and fun!

As I see it, clearing the things and thoughts that do not serve us is a journey to be lived and cultivated, not a linear task to be completed by a certain date or deadline. To the degree that we can enter into the experience with wonder and spacious detachment, that is when clearing becomes a thing of beauty: a spiritual practice that reveals that divine essence and mystery that we are.

Why would we ever want to stop doing that?!

If you would like to learn more, I invite you to listen to this free teleclass. See below for details. (For the yummy “one-minute clearing meditation” you can advance to the 44 minute mark on the counter).

According to leading space clearing expert and author Stephanie Bennett Vogt, clutter is not just the stuff spilling out of the closet, and clearing is not just something you do to rid your home of excess.

Clearing things and thoughts that no longer serve us has the potential to be way juicier and more life changing than that!

As Vogt shares in her book, “I didn’t need to go on a pilgrimage or meditate on a mountaintop to find myself. My home became my temple, my clutter was my teacher, and my journey of self-discovery began with clearing out a single drawer.”



Join Stephanie and find out…

    • What clutter really is.
    • Why most clearing efforts, though well intentioned, do not last.
    • How clearing just one paper clip promotes well-being and lasting change.
    • How to let go of attachment – with ease.
    • How talking about clearing is clearing
    • Simple clearing practices you can do in one minute or less.
    • How conscious clutter clearing can change your life.
 IT’S FREE!  Click here to listen

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