While I waited, bleary eyed and cranky, I proceeded to do what I always do while the coffee brews: I took the clean dishes out of the drainer, one at a time and put them away.

On this particular morning, I experienced something that I had never consciously observed before: In the sixty seconds that it took me to stack the last of the pots and pans, the cobwebs in my head had cleared and my mood was better. A lot better. The fog that I was carrying – and my spirits had lifted.

What is this. I haven’t even had my cup of coffee!

There it was. A spacious infusion resulting from a housekeeping ritual that I’ve repeated every day for most of my adult life; an experience realized and harnessed by simply being aware…

I wanted to write a book that cuts through the noise; one that could charm the part of the mind that is spinning out of control somewhere in “overwhelm La-La land”; a book that creates the tiniest peephole of quiet, yummy spaciousness that not only expands with our awareness, but can be felt at the deepest level; a book that delivers a palpable experience of spaciousness in one minute flat.

[The new] Your Spacious Self is that book.

Whether you are a super-organized neatnik, a hopeless clutterbug, a non-stop multitasker, a cautious beginner, an experienced professional, or a curious bystander – welcome, this book is for you.

Dear friends, what you just read was an excerpt from Chapter 1 of the re-released Your Spacious Self which hit the stands this month!

If you’d like to learn more, purchase an autographed copy from me, or “Look Inside” * on Amazon, the sidebar has all the links.

Wishing you a fantastic fall – bursting with spacious possibility.

Happy Clearing!



* This excerpt originally appeared in Stephanie’s quarterly newsletter. To learn more and read further click the link below:

Click here to read more from Stephanie’s Fall 2012 newsletter

Published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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