Focusing On What Matters

It has been a week of epic proportions. Hurricane Sandy delivered a massive punch to all of us on the east coast. With the winds gusting upwards 80 miles an hour, amazingly, our home did not lose power, our basement stayed dry, and no trees fell down. We were the lucky ones.

That said, this storm affected me deeply. For days leading up to storm I felt out of sorts. I was having wild dreams. My lower back hurt. My body ached. I felt nauseous. I could tell something big was about to blow. To unhinge. To release… The way I feel just before I go in to do a major space clearing or lead a clearing retreat.

What happens when a preexisting “low pressure system” of human unconsciousness collides with the “high pressure system” of higher truth and deeper wisdom? You get some bumpy weather. It goes with the territory of clearing. Shift happens to the degree that we can ride out our emotional squalls – with awareness.

Whether you too ended up on the lucky side of Sandy’s wrath or not, the truth is, this was a massive space clearing for all of us here on the planet.  Sometimes it takes a gigantic, real live hurricane to move us. To shake us up. To lift us out of our slumbers (coma) and clear out what isn’t working in our lives. To soften resistance and develop new habits that serve us better. To realize our true purpose and let our light shine.

And I can’t think of a better time than now to quit frittering about and get on with the business of growing ourselves to our fullest potential. Can you?

If you could use a little help getting in touch with what really matters to you, close your eyes for a moment and take a nice easy breath in and out. When you feel centered, open your eyes and complete the statements below.  Don’t push or force any answers. Allow them to bubble up and illuminate you. Allow them to show you the areas in your life where you feel stuck. Your job simply is to hang out with the pain, fears, or resistance – without (and this is key) doing anything to fix or manage or change any of it.

These contemplations come from chapter 15 in my new book Your Spacious Self  – “Prioritize.”

  • I am on the planet because_________
  • When I’m on my deathbed, I want to be saying_________
  • I am worthy of realizing my deepest dreams and desires because_________
  • I trust Divine Intelligence to support me in realizing what I came here to do and be because___________
  • I know that things beyond my control are “already handled” because _________


This post from Seth Godin might help too.

Getting over ourselves

In the face of billions of dollars of destruction, of the loss of life, of families distrupted, it’s easy to wonder what we were so hung up on just a few days ago. Many just went face to face with an epic natural disaster, and millions are still recovering. Writer’s block or a delayed shipment or an unreturned phone call seem sort of trivial now.

We’re good at creating drama, at avoiding emotional labor and most of all, at thinking small. Maybe we don’t need another meeting, a longer coffee break or another hour whittling away at our stuckness.

There’s never been a better opportunity to step up and make an impact, while we’ve got the chance. This generation, this decade, right now, there are more opportunities to connect and do art than ever before. Maybe even today.

It’s pretty easy to decide to roll with the punches, to look at the enormity of natural disaster and choose to hunker down and do less. It’s more important than ever, I think, to persist and make a dent in the universe instead.

We’ve all been offered access to so many tools, so many valuable connections, so many committed people. What an opportunity.”

–From Seth Godin’s Blog, October 31, 2012

  • Luis de la Llata

    It’s an out of the ordinary focusing over all common points of views. It’s going to be interesting reading your book !

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