Sensation Points the Way

We just completed week 2 of the New Year, New You teleclass series that I’m offering free to folks who have purchased a copy of the newly-released Your Spacious Self.

Below is a query I received from a listener after the first week’s class. Even if the question doesn’t fit your particular situation, perhaps my reply will.


p.s. It’s not too late to register for this course. Because it is being recorded and available for a free download, it is something you can listen to anytime. Learn more here.

The question

Hi Stephanie,

I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the teleclass last night and look forward to receiving your book & the future classes.

I was also wondering if you might have any thoughts/feedback for me regarding what I [experienced] when we did the body scan & contemplations.  I felt sort of a blockage in the chest/heart region when you stated the contemplations and then I cried at one point (when you mentioned something about how it would feel to not feel affected/attached/anchored to things in my home).  Also when you asked how it would feel to live in a spacious, clutter-free home my immediate thought was free/freedom.

I want to mention that relative to others I actually do not have a lot of clutter, but it’s still more than I want to have.

Any thoughts/feedback you have would be greatly appreciated!


My reply:

I do have some thoughts about what you shared which is simply to say: allow ALL sensations – be they painful or spacious – without analyzing, grasping, or judging them too much. The body offers us a treasure trove of information. And all we need to do is pay attention and get out of the way.

Sensation shows us the blocks, which, are essentially getting unblocked by our simple witnessing of them.  I hope this makes sense and helps.

Happy clearing!

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