Food at table“Sometimes I forget to eat lunch. So, 3:30 arrives, and I attack an infant-size hillock of greasy takeout. I inhale it, scarcely breathing, a condemned man with minutes ’til dawn. Two minutes after stopping, yes; I feel like I’m going to die…What happend? How’d I miss when I’d had enough?” –Merlin Mann, in What Matters Now

Pigging out is not just about consuming food. It can also be trying too hard, overthinking, talking ad nauseam, buying way more than you need or could possibly use, and spending mindless hours glued to the computer, TV set or handheld device.

I can certainly relate to all of the above, especially when it comes to my need for perfection. It’s amazing that my head hasn’t exploded sometimes from analyzing things to death.

But I have a beautiful antidote for whenever I catch myself binging on excess of any kind: three phrases.

Three simple phrases that don’t look like much on paper, but have magic powers when you insert them—with awareness—into a daily practice of clearing and mindfulness:

  • I am enough
  • I have enough
  • There is enough

What does it feel like to say these words out loud?

–Excerpted from Chapter 14, “Enough” – Your Spacious Self: Clear the Clutter and Discover Who You Are by Stephanie Bennett Vogt
Hierophant Publishing © 2012 – All Rights Reserved

Check out my book

Art Credit: “Lunch with Mackerel” by Kenne Gregoire, 2009

Showing 2 comments
  • Premilla

    Hello Stephanie,

    I have decided to lead with my spirit to where it points me to clear, declutter and let go. My spirit is doing a better job versus my mind. that is disappointed, critical and constantly overwhelmed by what needs to be done. The “lose, look and find” routine is a constant battle. Must be that aging thing! Some days are frustrating, others are worth a good laugh.
    I am in the flow of my creative journey and in the process of creating space in the day to nurture this spiritual, creative drive. Self -nurturing is taking precedence and this feels good.


    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Hi Premilla!

      It is so nice to hear how it’s going for you.

      After all these years of doing this work, I’ve come to believe that clearing is impossible without self-care.

      I’d even go so far as to say that self-care needs to come first – above aspiration, fame, fortune…everything.

      Self-care is the ultimate act of self-love.

      When we lead from a place of self-love –”in here” – everything “out there” falls into place.


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