A Delighted Reader Shares Her Spacious Experience

It makes my heart sing to receive letters from readers sharing how they have applied some of the principles from Your Spacious Self to turn their home and life around; and discover, to their amazement, how clearing can be as simple as flipping a switch inside oneself. Being compared to Eckhart Tolle doesn’t hurt either. 😉

Here’s one of those letters. Thank you, Andrea!

I read your book Stephanie, and it was wonderful! I read a bit of it at Barnes and Noble, but didn’t buy it right away. It stood out to me because of the word ‘Spacious’ in the title. I had just finished reading ‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle, and I was perusing the Self Help section for further reading. I was very ‘unconscious’ as you say of clutter (in the weathery/emotional sense), so I didn’t even think to look for a book that addressed that. I read a chapter or two in the bookstore, and I noticed you weave a lot of the same terms and concepts as Eckhart Tolle, which I was only recently primed to understand (thanks to Eckhart), and I was completely delighted by that. I left the book at the bookstore that night, but I kept thinking about what you said about the weather.

One evening at home I tossed a pile of mail on the desk because the drawers were so full of unsorted paperwork, and I decided, “I’ll just sort these papers on the desk.” When I was finished with that, in all of a few minutes, I seamlessly moved on to the rest of the drawers. I finished them in that first ‘clearing session’. To have the desk organized felt amazing. It wasn’t as hard as I imagined it would be, in the micro-moments when I allowed myself to pay attention.

So I went back to the bookstore and bought your book. I am the kind of girl who devours a book within hours when I’m as excited as I was to read your book, but it took me weeks to finish. I had already learned about presence and stillness from Eckhart Tolle, and after every few pages of your book, I found myself needing to pause and Be, because the concepts were so grand to me that I really needed to sit with them.

I decided I was going to start clearing a little each day. So I did the dishes and laundry each day, because they were something I knew how to do easily, and I didn’t have to ‘feel’ the weather while I sorted through my teenage sons old preschool love letters, etc. I was never habitually on-top-of the dishes and laundry. But since I was happy to have something ‘easy’ to do each day, that has become a habit that I don’t dread at all. And once a day I did something ‘hard’, like decide whether to keep or save the piles of sentimental stuff.

It’s only been a month, but nearly every square inch of my home is tended to. I cook nearly every night. I love it, but I used to dread the dishes. Now I tend to them with passion because it feels like a ritual of self-care. I can tell my mind is just as spacious as my home is now, because I feel the high vibration that is gratitude more deeply than I ever have. And gratitude this big, or deep, inseparably feels me with every other good states of Being – like peaceful, or joyful.

I have a job interview tomorrow, but I’m up late with nervous excitement, which is how I found this interview. The interview is for my dream job, and though I’m not attached to the outcome (thank you Stephanie), I know I’m in this happy position because of all of the work I was able to do, in my home, and in my head, with your loving guidance.

Thank you so much!

Love, Andrea.

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