Shaking Things Up: Making Friends with Vulnerability

On TrackDo one thing every day that scares you. -Eleanor Roosevelt.

This year I was invited to give some talks in the Netherlands as part of Dutch release of Your Spacious Self. How could I say no? It sounded so fun.

It wasn’t until I was on the plane hurtling across the Atlantic that the doubts began to fly. Is this really happening? Will my contact recognize me at the airport? Do I have to dial the country code if I’m already in the country? Will my workshop design work for this audience?

A large knot of fear began to form in my belly as I headed to a place I had never been, into the hands of people I had never met, to teach audiences who might not get me or my message.

Stop. This. Plane.

From all my years of clearing (and traveling) you’d think I’d remember that something always happens when you deliberately step into that messy netherworld of not knowing.

What happens is vulnerability – that quivery, queasy wave of  energy that exposes everything, and strips you bare to the bone.

What happens is magic – that thrilling rush that comes when you open yourself up to the boundless love and support that is out there – just waiting to rush in – when you soften your grip of attachment long enough to receive it.

And if there is any doubt, all you have to do is look around for the signs. They are everywhere. Like the “Je bent op de goede weg” message in the photo above that I took not knowing what it meant (until today, when I inserted it into Google translate). It means:

“You’re on the right track.”

Sometimes you have to shake things up to uncover the shimmering essence of your true self.

Wishing you a fall of magic revealings. Happy clearing!


**This excerpt originally appeared in Stephanie’s newsletter. To learn more and read further click the link below:

Click here to read our Fall 2013 newsletter

Published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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Showing 2 comments
  • bernadette

    Thanks for the great article. Perfect timing. “Je bent op de goede weg” Resonates strongly with me today.

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