15 (Quirky) Things You Don’t Know About Me

Best things in lifeThere’s a fun thought exercise circulating around Facebook right now where you’re invited to share a list of things that most people don’t know about you.

I enjoyed reading people’s posts so much, that I decided to create one too, which I’m reposting below (with a few additions and tweaks).

What life events would you put on your list?  You may be pleasantly surprised by the rich and enriching experiences you’ve had in this lifetime. I know I was. Feel free to add your own highlights in the comment box!

Fifteen things you may not know about me (in no particular order):

  1. I was born in Mexico City on Day of the Dead – when it is believed that the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is the thinnest.
  2. Since I was little girl, I loved creating beautiful home spaces that feel good and nourish people. I could turn a cardboard box into a palace.
  3. Together with my grandmother, I got to witness 1,000 mariachis play at the closing ceremony of the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. It was my first out-of-body experience.
  4. In 1987 my husband Jay and I walked through an active landslide from Nepal to Tibet and went through 18,000 ft. passes to get to the capital of Lhasa.
  5. Was touched by God in the cave where St. John is said to have written the Book of Revelation in Patmos, Greece.
  6. Dislocated my knee and broke my ankle hiking down from Machu Picchu. Spent the night alone in the infirmary at the top of the Peruvian Andes, where I had another mystical experience.
  7. Learned how to do distance healings at age 15.
  8. Spent five nights in the magnificent Presidential Suite as a guest of the US Ambassador and his wife in Rome; a telephone book with all the important Secret Service numbers stood by like a sentry on the bedside table. Took a peek but didn’t dare call any of them.
  9. It took me ten years to write (and live) my first book Your Spacious Self.
  10. I was hired to space-clear the ballroom of Boston’s Park Plaza hotel at 4 am in the morning.
  11. I walked on fire. It bent my mind.
  12. I met my sweetheart when I was almost 30. We married in a very small wedding on the coast of Maine in a circle with 12 friends and family.
  13. Had the most beautiful daughter after 3 years of infertility treatments – and she is the light of our lives!
  14. I love taking pictures, and have since I was 10 when I got my first camera (an Instamatic). And now with Instagram, I love posting at least one photo a day @spaciousway.
  15. I’m not clutter-free. Yet. It continues to be one of my greatest teachers.




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  • Vivienne Spauls

    We have a summer camp in Camden, ME so I wonder where you were married?! I also post a photo a day on Instagram! Photography is my passion. I am going to be a first time Grandma this year! Happy healthy 2021
    Stephanie Bennett Vogt

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Hello Vivienne. We were married at Small Point, very near Popham Beach. Congratulations on being a new grandma! What a great way to welcome a new year. En-JOY!

  • Myra

    I began A Year to Clear some time ago, saved all my notes although I stopped in the middle of listing and clearing tolerances. I want to go back to this great work, and wonder whether you would recommend starting from scratch, reading back over my notes and your book from the beginning, or just picking up where I left off. I know the decision is my own to make, but your very special wisdom might ease the decision.

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Hi Myra, I love that you began this journey and you’re ready to get back to it. As for starting all over vs. continuing where you left off, I might suggest this: go through your notes first. They’ll help you remember what you experienced. From there you can ask yourself (pose it as a wonder question), “Would it serve me to begin again, or keep going?” I think the answer lies within. You’ll know what to do. The most important thing is let go of any lingering self-judgments and keep moving, one slow-drip day at a time. Good luck and happy clearing!

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