What Does Spacious Feel Like?

DancingGliding through life without friction or resistance. That’s one of the ways I experience spaciousness.

What does Spacious feel like to you?

I posted this on my Facebook page recently to go with the photo of the gazelle of a woman dancing through the air.

And I loved one of the replies so much that I asked the author if I could share it here.

Here’s her response (thank you, Jaime!):

Interesting post this morning, Stephanie, as I’ve been going through drawers and boxes that are holding what I’ve felt to be treasures, I’m finding that these things hold memories that have been difficult to let go of, yet take up so much ‘space’!

My children and I live in a small apartment so it’s important to not hold onto every little thing, as I don’t like the “feeling” of clutter – and it doesn’t take much here. So, I’ve decided with my children to make a scrapbook of all the things that have been special to us – we’re taking pictures of these things and writing out our memories and decorating the page (fun), and… letting go. We now have 3 boxes of memories to donate, and a beautiful scrapbook full of wonderful memories to recall on at any time. AND, the making of this book has it’s own joyful memory as well. Yay!!

My children are now also doing this with some of the toys that they have clearly outgrown (each with a scrapbook of their own). My little girl just couldn’t let go of anything, but this has really helped her, and now she is bringing things to me to take pictures of. Haha… We use the affirmation that “anything we let go of that no longer serves us, allows room for better to enter.”

So I kind of feel like the girl in this picture… unburdened and free. Now I have hiding places for Christmas gifts. Hehe…

Thank you for ALL you do!! You are wonderful!!

–Jaime Barone

So tell me, what does Spacious mean to you? More importantly, how does it make you feel?

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  • Froan

    Yesterday I was lying down in a quiet piece of nature staring at the clouds moving. Thats when I felt totally spacious and at peace. I decided that’s how I want every part of my life to be. And today I accidentally (or not) found this website and started your 1 minute clearing. I feel already so much better. thanks!

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Thank you for your sweet note, Froan. I am so glad you “accidentally” stumbled here and are feeling so much better! There’s a lot more where that came from. Your clearing is our clearing.

      Welcome! Enjoy the journey!

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