Stillness2The word “labor” sounds so… um,


And exhausting.

Yet, we spend most of our days unconsciously laboring and efforting.

Laboring at the computer, laboring over what to wear, laboring over what to cook for dinner; laboring over to-do lists that never get seem to get done; laboring over what people think, laboring over the state of our homes, our kids, our weight, our finances, our hair…

While Labor’s sibling, Stillness, waits and watches in what I can only imagine is amused silence.

What if choosing stillness over labor could be as simple as flipping a switch inside you? An experience that you could simply call in, or step into, or rest inside of?

Try it now by finding a comfy place to sit and clicking the audio link below.*

It’s Soul Time.

– Excerpt from Lesson 21, Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life on DailyOM.

*Note: The audio link mentioned here is only available in the lesson from “Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life” referenced above.

p.s. If you find this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!


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