Taking A Year to Clear Works Its Magic

Zen Stepping StonesIt’s been almost five months since I launched my second online course on DailyOM – a 365-day journey in letting go called A Year to Clear What’s Holding You Back!

In a culture of short attention spans and quick fixes, I had no idea when I came up with the idea of a year-long program if it would, or could, succeed.

Was I being too ambitious? Would the course prove to be too long for people to sustain? Would my baby-step messages “dripped” into people’s email inbox (by design) be too little or too light to create significant and discernible traction? Would participants lose focus, peter out, and wonder where the there there was in messages that are intentionally kept very short and simple.

The jury is still out, of course, since we’re not even half way through the program. I’ll weigh in again at the end of the year. For now here’s a comment that gives me hope that the program is working its magic; that taking a year to clear is not such a crazy idea – especially for those of us willing to take the long view, have patience, and stick with the process.

2014/05/08 10:15 AM

Just finished writing about Lesson 133~

All I can say at this point is: I am so profoundly grateful and glad I am taking this course!

Not a whole lot . . YET . . . has changed in the house, but OMG !!! I so know stuff has changed INSIDE ME! I can feel it, sense it, realize all that I am doing that I’ve not done before. I feel good about myself in a new way. I am doing things, per our lessons, that I have not done before, and on a rather regular basis. Little project after little project is getting done. I don’t even care about a deadline, I am just doing. Not frantically, but steadily moving in a FLOW.

I watch the video #107 every day before I do my daily Lesson. That young man is so the PERFECT example for me, of being at one with it all,in synchronized perfection!

All I want to say to anyone who might be discouraged, or feeling like its “not working” . . . IT IS WORKING . . . believe me . . . just keep doing it one day at a time . . . even if all you do is just read the lesson. Of course writing it out each day really helps me A LOT~!

Anyway. Thank you SBV.  My life is newly evolving. I have a new saying for myself:  “You’re never too old to be new.”
And I just keep doing,  flowing and thanking.~

I am not just the creator of this course, I am also a participant. I contemplate each lesson that arrives every day just like everyone else. The comments that people post in the discussion thread are wise beyond words. I love reading them and feeling that deep connective tissue that grows out of our collective desire to live a more clear and spacious life.

AND, it if you’re just finding out about it now, it not too late to join us. When it comes to clearing the stress and stuff of our lives it doesn’t matter when you start. You don’t have to wait until the time feels right, or the New Year’s rolls around. Every moment is new one and every little bit of clearing you do helps us all feel lighter and in the flow.

You can learn more about “A Year to Clear What’s Holding You Back!” HERE

UPDATE: Fast-forward to January 7, 2016. Since the course began over three years ago, over 13,000 people have signed on to take this journey. You can read some of the growing list of testimonials HERE.

p.s. If you find this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!

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