
Tuning Into the Wisdom of Emotions

The inspirational piece below by Pema Chödrön is, in a nutshell, what I would call clearing.

Allowing your feelings to arise  – without resisting them, or judging them, or fixating on them – releases emotional charge.

Is it possible to observe your emotions without feeding or energizing them with drama? Is it possible to observe your emotions with spacious, and humorous detachment?

Try it today and see what happens.


“One night years ago I came upon my boyfriend passionately embracing another woman. We were in the house of a friend who had a priceless collection of pottery. I was furious and looking for something to throw. Everything I picked up I had to put back down because it was worth at least ten thousand dollars. I was completely enraged and I couldn’t find an outlet! There were no exits from experiencing my own energy. The absurdity of the situation totally cut through my rage. I went outside and looked at the sky and laughed until I cried.

In vajrayana Buddhism it is said that wisdom is inherent in emotions. When we struggle against our energy we reject the source of wisdom. Anger without the fixation is none other than clear-seeing wisdom. Pride without fixation is experienced as equanimity. The energy of passion when it’s free of grasping is wisdom that sees all the angles.”

–Excerpt by Pema Chödrön from Places That Scare You, Shambala Publications

p.s. If you find this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!

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