Christine's Clear Drawer“Look for the order within the chaos…

Moving into a new house has created a sort of upheaval and chaos. About a week ago I decided to take one drawer in the kitchen and make it beautifully and functionally organized. When I open it, it reminds me that more and more order and structure will emerge from what sometimes feels like chaos. And then it dawned on me – this is a good lesson for approaching any change or whatever feels uncomfortable. If we can recognize some order and purpose within it, then we can move forward with greater ease and focus. I’m grateful for the lesson!”–Christine Upchurch,

This Facebook photo message by my friend Chris inspired and got me thinking: what if each of us spent a day or two clearing out a drawer with the sole purpose of making it not just functional, but beautiful as well? Like art.

If you think about it, most clutter clearing is about getting rid of stuff to improve functionality and lighten our load. Beauty is the last thing on our mind. What I love about Chris’s drawer is that it is not just well-organized with every object tucked neatly in its little home. It is also a thing of beauty. She has consciously chosen things that are colorful and beautiful to look at in their own right.

I know that if it were my drawer my heart would go pitter-pat every time I opened it!

So here’s a fun challenge (if you choose to accept it):

  1. Choose a drawer, any drawer
  2. Clear it using the “four pile” method: “Stay, Go, Throw, Don’t Know” [learn more]
  3. Consciously place objects that go together in the most beautiful way possible
  4. Once complete, open the drawer as often as possible to ooh and ahh, and give yourself a lift when you need it
  5. Notice if this simple practice leads to other areas of effortless clearing
  6. Notice if this simple practice leads to greater ease and focus in your life in general
  7. After it’s all done, and it moves you, show us your work of art by posting a photo and describing your experience on our SpaceClear page on Facebook here

p.s. If you find this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!

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