Prayer FlagsMarianne Williamson posted a beautiful prayer on her Facebook page recently in response to an email she received from a woman in the Ukraine, grieving for her people.

Wow. What a prayer. It is as simple and potent as any I have heard (and easy to adapt to any situation or loved one who might be hurting).

As I started reading and invoking her words out loud, I noticed a big energy, almost alchemical, shift and opening in my own heart. Perhaps it will work for you too.

Let’s keep the love going shall we?

Dear God,

For those who suffer in the Ukraine,
And for those who suffer in Iraq and elsewhere,
Please pour forth Your miracles.
Awaken all who dwell in darkness
and deliver them to Light.
Cast out the insanity that preys upon the human mind,
dissolve the walls in front of all hearts,
and send angels to heal all suffering.
Through Your infinite power at work within us,
May Love prevail
in all the world.


–Source: Marianne Williamson on Facebook

Photo credit: Pinterest, exact source unknown

p.s. If you find this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!

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