
“Duplicates, Generic, Unidentifiables”

“There is no getting around the past when everything in the home points to it.”–sbv.

Dear Friends,

Some of you may have noticed that there was no summer newsletter. That’s because I was up to my eyeballs in clearing stuff!

Yes, believe it or not, I still have stuff hiding in plain sight.

Like the thousands of slides I’ve not looked at in years because it means setting up the projector, the screen, the clicker, and the stacking thingee that always gets jammed.

This latest round of clearing comes on the heels of a six-month sabbatical that my husband and I took in Mexico. No sooner had we unpacked our bags than we went on a top-to-bottom tear of reorganizing our entire home.

What prompted this sudden and unexpected musical-chairs makeover became very clear: spending time away from home has a way of changing your perspective.

Big time.

Things just didn’t feel right. Energetically we had expanded, while the house and its contents had not budged an inch.

It wasn’t just things that needed changing up. Moving things also meant moving on, which, in our case, meant embracing a new chapter as empty-nesters. There is no getting around the past when everything in the home points to it.

In the past three months we’ve been on a roll. We’ve taken trunkfuls to the Goodwill, moved furniture around, repurposed rooms, updated our technology, and enjoyed some hilarious slide shows.

Yes, even the biggest hassles of sewing on missing buttons and clicking through countless slides to scan the treasures and bag the rejects has been surprisingly fun and addictive.

You don’t need to go full-throttle, go away for six months, or have a life partner to refresh your home. If you’re willing to take it on as a journey that you experience instead of a task that you have to complete by a certain deadline, you’ll get on a roll too.

Dishes/SpaceClear.comIf you’re curious about how to go about this, my latest article in the Huffington Post describes all the gorey details of what we did, and shows you how you can refresh and renew your home and life by just moving things around. Click here to read it.

What is something you can change up today (right now)? You never know what goodies might be revealed when you shift things around.

Have a great fall, everyone. Happy clearing!


**This excerpt originally appeared in Stephanie’s newsletter. To learn more and read further click the link below:

Click here to read our Fall 2014 newsletter

Published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

[or, subscribe to “Your Spacious News” in the footer box at the very bottom of this page]

p.s. If you found this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!

Photo credit:  “Duplicates, Generic, Unidentifiables” by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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