See-no-evil“Do you love it? Do you use it? Does it have a home?”

My favorite three-part mantra for clearing works like a charm every time.

Unless, of course, you don’t see the stuff that you are trying to release (shed, untangle, move, restore, change up).

The stuff is right in front of your nose creating dust bunnies like crazy, but you don’t see it. You don’t see the things you once loved (past tense), the clothes that once fit, nor the files you feel obligated to save “just in case.”


Because “seeing” them would mean feeling them.

Feeling the shame, the blame, the shoulds, the overwhelm, the attachment, the fear, the loss – feeling all that emotional and energetic build-up encoded in the stuff that settles in like a layer of invisible smog.

Ouch. Yes, I know. There is more going on than meets the eye (as it were).

So how do we pry our hands off and get our “eyesight” back?

It begins with bringing compassionate awareness to the resisting patterns.

If you don’t see the dirty dishes that routinely pile up on the kitchen counter, or the rats-nest of papers on your desk, for example, the task is simple: clear or just move one item and allow yourself to feel whatever gucky emotions arise without analyzing, judging, fixing or personalizing it.

You see,  it’s not about the clutter at all. It’s not about the dirty dishes, the piles of laundry that don’t get folded, nor the stuff the no one bothers to ditch or put away.

It’s about your relationship to the those issues and things.

If you too suffer from clutter myopia and could use a little assist – one baby step at a time – here’s a one page tip sheet that I put together for my students and clients that might come in handy:

Five Tips That Will Support Your Clearing Practice

p.s. If you found this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!

Art: Pinterest; artist unknown

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