Wearing or Weary-ing? Connecting With Clothes – Part 1

ClogsWhat do you think of my shoes?

Here’s me trying on a pair of clogs in a tourist shop in Holland. How can anyone resist climbing into these things? They’re ridiculous.

All joking aside, this photo makes me think of the power of clothing in general – as our second skin – to lift and lower our energy level.

When it comes to clothes, it basically boils down to this: Clothes that don’t fit, feel good, or make your heart sing are a form of stuck energy (aka, clutter). When you squirrel them away for that mythical day when you’ll love them again, or fit into them, or they’ll come back into fashion, you perpetuate the stuck pattern.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve paid a small fortune or made it from scratch, if a garment is not a vibrational match to you (i.e. fits, and makes you feel good), it will not lift and lighten you. Nor make you feel attractive.

Are your clothes a vibrational match to you? Do you wear your clothes, or do they wear you (out)? Find out with this simple one-minute practice:

One-Minute Clearing Practice:  Take a Peek in the Closet

Today I invite you to take a peek in your closet and do a quick scan of your wardrobe. Do you love most of the items in there? Do you feel oppressed by them?

Simply notice how you feel without doing anything to fix, manage, or change anything: Notice the thoughts, the judgments, the guilt, the shame, the resistance… Notice the impulse to rid yourself of some things, or the sentimental tug to hold onto others… Notice your breathing (is it shallow? is it relaxed?)… Notice where in your body you feel some stuckness…

Nothing to do but observe.

Awareness is the first important step of clearing. Next week I’ll share a simple one-minute clearing practice you can do in your closet to release what’s holding you back.

In the meantime, if you you feel moved to release (or purge), by all means, go for it. All I ask is that you bring as much awareness to the experience as you can.

PS Want to take the next step? Here’s Connecting With Clothes Part 2

PPS Curious what it means to “clear with awareness”?  click here

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