Whatever You Do, Don’t Give Up!

Blue MountainRealizing a dream, any dream, can be messy and time-consuming.

Whether it is creating good art, clearing out a massively cluttered house, or learning a new skill, the pathway to mastery can look a lot like the success drawing below.Success

In the absence of discernible progress, it is so easy to lose hope, and cave – especially in the beginning stages of realizing a dream. Add a wily “monkey” mind shouting all kinds of reasons why it will never work, and the chances of falling off the wagon are increased exponentially.

Here’s what I have to say about that: Don’t give up!

The truth is, achieving anything that matters takes work.

Don’t give in to the (cluttered) mind that thinks it knows better. (It doesn’t). Don’t give in to a mind that is regurgitating a tired script of old patterns, worries, and memories … from the past.

It takes time to release old habits and grow new ones. It takes time to rewire the brain. It takes time to get good at something.

If it helps, here is a wonderful message by Ira Glass on sticking with your dreams no matter what.

And why it matters.


What is it that you want to accomplish?  Tell us in the comment thread.

p.s. If you found this message helpful, please forward it to someone else (or share, like, tweet, pin… ) and let’s build the clearing energy together that will help to lighten all of our loads!


“Mountain of Blue” by GoJunko

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.

Showing 4 comments
  • mary

    The video had no sound, the writing was whipping around on the screen then dissapearing making it nearly impossible to read. In other words, it was worthless presented in this way. Just present the transcript, please. thank you.

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Hi Mary,

      Thanks for your note. I just checked and the sound appears to be just fine. (Is the sound turned up on your device?).

      The video was not made by me so I can’t speak to the creative acrobatics you see there. Nor can I supply you with the transcript. Sorry.

      If you still can’t get the sound to work for you here, I posted a similar message several years back with an accompanying (longer) video of Ira Glass himself sharing his inspiring message. You can see it here: https://www.spaceclear.com/2011/10/climbing-your-mount-everest/

      Hope this helps. Good luck.


  • Jenni

    Hi, thanks for this video, the sound worked fine for me and because I could hear it I quite enjoyed how the writing moved and changed, very cool! And thanks for the encouraging post, I will keep trying on the decluttering front!

  • Kim

    This is awesome Stephanie – Love your info – I really love the graphic on success – so true 🙂

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