
Clearing With Action: Go Slow to Go Fast

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” –Will Rogers.

In my last two posts I’ve introduced a model for clearing that is infinitely more sustainable and lasting called the “Four Pathways of Clearing.” [To catch up, click here.]

For clearing to work its magic you need to integrate all four pathways into a regular daily routine.

The second pathway is Action. This is what it means to clear with action (excerpted from my book A Year to Clear):

We definitely need action if we want to get anywhere. As Will Rogers once wrote, “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” If intention steers the clearing vehicle, action is what gives it gas.

Action at full throttle, however, would be like living with sun twenty-four hours a day without the balance of moon and nighttime to rest and recharge. It’s too yang. When we live solely to do, fix, or make things happen, we miss a huge opportunity to cultivate the balancing effects of yin energy—receptivity, presence, intuition, surrender—qualities that are only available to us when we slow down.

Have you noticed that slowing down can actually deliver the goods faster? In what ways can you adopt a “less is more” approach to clearing?

–From A Year to Clear: A Daily Guide to Creating Spaciousness in Your Home and Heart by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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  • What do you notice when you deliberately slow down? Tell us in the comment thread.

UP NEXT: Clearing with Non-Identification

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