Spiral staircase in Melk, AustriaCan you see us? That’s me (behind the camera) and my husband peeking through a gorgeous staircase in Melk Abbey, Austria – one of the stops of our river trip last fall. Though it looks like we’re at the bottom of the stairs, we’re actually at the top, looking down.

A little mind-bendy, eh?

The spiral. I love it not just because it seems to have magic powers in changing the energy in a space and in ourselves.

As a symbol, the spiral also gives us a whole new way to relate to conscious clearing.

When it comes to letting go of things and thoughts that are holding us back, there is no way of knowing what we’ll encounter “around the bend.” Twists and turns go with the territory.

Spiral staircase, Melk Abbey, AustriaProgress can be deceptive, too. For some of us, we can declutter our house within an inch of its life and still be attached, or come up feeling empty. For others of us, just trying to make a dent feels endless and unsatisfying: we feel lost and get impatient – unable to “see” yet that our small baby step efforts are gaining significant traction.

And the good news? Clearing with awareness gives us infinite opportunities to “circle back around” – to see a situation with new eyes, new insights, broader perspectives; to revisit (and clear) situations that we couldn’t deal with before; to “get the memo” (in case we forgot how extraordinary we are) and embrace the parts of ourselves that we have yet to love and heal.

Win. Win. Win.

What’s not to like?

As you welcome a new year, take a moment to consider some of the ways you have grown and changed. Have you gained new heights of awareness, or adopted a supporting habit that lightens your load a little bit?

Have you taken even just one baby step towards cultivating a spacious life (…like just reading this far)?

All of it matters.

Even if it feels like you have nothing of significance to report, here’s my invitation: make a list of positive shifts you’ve experienced over the past year or two, and seal them in an envelop to open at this time next year. Write “Memo to Self” on the outside of the envelop and store it in a safe place that you can find later. Put a reminder note in your calendar. When you open it next December, notice if your successes have morphed into bigger ones, or newer ones you never saw coming.

You might be amazed how far you’ve gone, just by putting one foot in front of another.

There are a slew of ways to circle forward through 2016 and bring you back to yourself – over and over. To see what they are, click my latest newsletter HERE, and scroll down the page.

Wishing you an amazing year.


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