What is Self-Care, Exactly?

“I began to investigate what being kind to myself and having more self care might look like.  I did simple things like moving my phone out of my bedroom, deleting Facebook from the phone and buying an alarm clock that has no sound but uses light to mimic the sunrise.  Will and I have found some amazing new hikes.  My food is healthier, I even take a couple vitamins now.  My journal has more words in it.  My house is cleaner.”–Posts from the Path

Self-Care. It is as essential to clearing as breathing is to staying alive.

But what does self-care mean exactly?

Yes, it means doing things that feel really good.

But it also means being an advocate for yourself and telling the truth about your experience.

It means potentially disappointing others and saying no when you mean no.

It means giving yourself some slack when you mess up. It means setting clear boundaries with others.

If we want to feel lighter and more spacious, we need to stop contorting ourselves into pretzels of unease and change the paradigm of self-neglect.

But remember, we cannot change old habits by attacking our biggest challenges.  We need to slow down and simplify. We need to name our pain, feel it, and repeat.

So, what is one thing you can do today that would support you and feel really good?

That is the place to start.

And repeat it again tomorrow. And the next day… and the next… until it starts to become habit-forming.

And the best part of folding self-care into a regular clearing routine is that it effectively rewires the brain.

It transforms your association of clearing as something onerous and painful into something delicious and fun!

Yes! You’ll have the urge to purge because of how good it feels, not because of some tortured “should” game your mind has been playing.

How cool is that!?

If you could use more inspiration on how to cultivate self-care, check out this post – another goodie from Posts from the Path


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