A Year-Long Clearing Adventure

“The journey is the treasure.”–Lloyd Alexander

I am thrilled to announce that my 365-day online course “A Year to Clear What’s Holding You Back!” has attracted almost 50,000 participants! Yes, this is no typo. Most of these students joined the yearlong journey in the past twelve months.

I can’t tell you what this means to me. For the teacher in me that lives to reach as many people as possible with my simple, gentle, life-changing, game-changing, “slow drip”  approach to clearing, it is a dream come true!

It’s not just the course that has surpassed my wildest imaginings. With over 10,000 people strong in the closed Facebook group alone, it is also the global community of support that has grown as a result of the course that I find deeply moving. It affirms my belief that sharing our stories of triumph and challenge with others in a safe, compassionate ways, does way more than lighten our load. It creates a powerful, exponential, ripple effect that can change the world!

And the beauty of this course, which is priced so that everyone can afford to take it, is that it doesn’t matter if it’s the beginning of a calendar year, the first day of spring, or in the middle of a random month. The short 365 lessons are exactly the same, and will take you on a journey into the heart of your home and life, one day at a time.

Think of it as the “Camino” of clearing where you never have to leave home!

Curious what all the fuss is about? Click the links below…

 “A Year to Clear What’s Holding You Back!” – 365-Day Online Course:

Learn More HERE

Read testimonials HERE 

Showing 2 comments
  • Donna Donabella

    I loved it and took it in 2015 which led me to you and now the book which I hope to follow this year to keep going….congrats on reaching so many! I hope many more will find you and your amazing ideas and inspiration! Happy New Year!

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