Instagram photo by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

“Lesson 121 – Yesterday my partner was wondering why I was laughing so much and being goofy! I said, I am high on clearing! I really have notice myself lightening up. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can do this, I am doing this! Hooray!” –Participant of A Year to Clear What’s Holding You Back!

I’ve been on the clearing journey for over twenty years. And though I’ve experienced many bumps along the way, faced some dark places, and even experienced a healing crisis or two, here’s what I can tell you:

It’s all good!

And it’s a fact: The more you clear what’s holding you back, the lighter you will be.

The lighter you are, the higher you will feel.

The higher you feel, the easier it is to clear the next thing or issue that is holding you back.

You see, it’s a journey that never ends.

It just gets better, easier, and a lot more fun!

Want more? Enjoy this classic by James Taylor (and shower the people you love with your lightness).

Can’t see the video? CLICK HERE


  • Susan Rattner

    Loved hearing James Taylor’s song today.

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