“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”

On a whim, my husband and I decided to book a cute AirB&B at one of our favorite places: Cape Cod. With vaccinations in full swing and mask restrictions lifting, it seemed like a great time to shake out the long pandemic year and take advantage of s-low season (my favorite season) in New England. And heck, what’s not to love about the Cape?

Well, maybe one tiny thing: springtime on the outer Cape is exposed, empty, and cold!

Besides the fact that I was woefully unprepared for the weather, the whole thing was a revelation! Dropping into the emptiness of a town for a week with no real agenda, and allowing life to happen instead of trying to make it happen, delivered riches beyond our wildest imaginings. Who knew?

What lacked in human interaction was made up for in spades by the color, natural beauty, and oh yes… the light!

So much light!

No agenda

Every day a new adventure.  Every day an opportunity to steep in all of it.

There was walking the empty streets at night that felt both haunting and exhilarating. The storefronts, fully lit and filled with gorgeous art and quirky tchotchkes, were utterly enchanting and electrifying (as it were).

There was the mystical encounter on a bleak afternoon: wild turkeys, breaching whales in the distance, and a hungry fox – all in the span of 15 minutes. Except for one other lovely (freezing) family from Tennessee, having the entire National Seashore all to ourselves was surreal! It was like being on Mars. It made us all giddy.

There was forest bathing in the rain, birdsong that made us go weak in the knees, dining with foodie friends, soaking up a divine feminine presence (she’s everywhere), and riding an e-bike for the first time.

Indeed, what’s not to like?


Going off-road was such food for my soul. I was high for days after we got home. I had no idea how much I needed it. I felt changed. Lighter. More fluid.

To honor the experience (and remember it), I did what I often do: went through my photos and made a video. You can watch my little movie below on either YouTube or Instagram (see below). Gathering my favorite images and putting them to great music goes a long way in helping me integrate experiences like these after they’re over. It gives me something to reach for when I feel scattered or blue. It’s not perfect, but it lifts me every time.  May it lift you too.

Your turn

If you’re thinking that you need to leave home for a week to experience some world class, spacious magic, think again. You can rest in wonder and beauty right where you are.  Set an intention and surrender. As the poet Rumi says, “As you start to walk the way, the way appears.” When you open up to it without attachment, so will it. 

What is one thing you could do to open yourself up to a bit of wonder today? Maybe it’s eating a meal more slowly and savoring it. Or taking a walk in a place you’ve never been to before. Or leafing through a beautiful picture book or reveling in a beautiful piece of music.

If that’s too much to handle, reach for something even simpler. Maybe it’s just stopping what you’re doing right now and resting your eyes on one thing that is beautiful and noticing how it makes you feel. Push away any judgy thoughts that might creep in and allow something to touch your heart or make you smile. Just one minute is enough to shift the energy.

And when you feel complete, go back tomorrow and repeat the exercise all over again, and the next day, for a whole week.

That’s how you’ll get your week of wonder.


Note: This video looks a lot better on my desktop than what you see here on YouTube. If the choppy transitions bug you, just close your eyes and enjoy Joey Alexander’s beautiful rendition of “My Favorite Things.” It’s flawless. 😉

Alternatively, if you do Instagram, you can watch it here instead. The quality is better in full frame. Enjoy!


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A post shared by Stephanie Bennett Vogt (@spaciousway)


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