Spring Cleaning for the Heart and Home
How’s the clearing going? Or not. If you could use a baby nudge or a gentle push (or a big shove back on the wagon), you might enjoy my series of inspirational messages designed to [...]
To Do or Not To Do?
The comment thread – that space where participants can connect with one another if it moves them to share their personal triumphs and challenges with clearing – is one of my favorite aspects of [...]
Stephanie Bennett Vogtp.s. I hope you don't mind if I use your comm...
Stephanie Bennett VogtLoved your reply, Terrie! Thank you for shari...
TerrieI discovered your work a few years ago. Read...
“Getting Rid Of” Is Not Clearing
Do objects have bad juju? You know, like the beautiful heirloom ring that doesn’t feel quite right? That antique mask you got really cheap at the consignment shop that smells funny? The [...]
Stephanie Bennett VogtHi Sandy, Thanks so much for your kind wo...
Sandy MauckI have often used objects and images to stren...
Stephanie Bennett VogtBeautiful way to put it Karen! It's amazing h...
KarenI am so appreciative that you posted this. I ...
Stephanie Talks About Spaciousness
I was on the radio the other day with two of my author colleagues (and two of the sweetest hearts around) Don Miguel A Ruiz Jr. and HeatherAsh Amara. In this lively one-hour conversation we [...]
How to Create an Altar of Letting Go
“There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” –Rumi [This post follows the previous “Altars Alter”] Anytime the spirit moves you, you can create your own [...]
Altars Alter
“A symbolic or ceremonial experience is real and affects one as much as the actual event.” –Robert A. Johnson The word “remember” has a lot of meaning for me. At its essence [...]
Clearing at Kripalu
Here’s a radical idea. How would you like to… RELEASE… Attachments to things, thoughts, people and outcomes; Emotions that negatively affect you; Relationships from the past [...]
Awareness Changes Everything
Move closer, lean in, get curious; even for a moment, experience the feelings without labels, beyond good or bad. Welcome them. Invite them. Do anything that helps melt the resistance. –Pema [...]
BarbaraHello Claudia: My heart goes out to you. I...
Stephanie Bennett VogtHi Claudia, Thank you for your note. This ...
Claudia Schönmetzlerthis is so true, I actually hate the question...
Clearing Works Its Magic
If you read my previous post “Taming Your Overwhelm” you might be interested in knowing how just listening to the interview I gave worked its magic on one of my listeners. Below is [...]