We just completed week 2 of the New Year, New You teleclass series that I’m offering free to folks who have purchased a copy of the newly-released Your Spacious Self. Below is a query I [...]
I’ve had the privilege of giving many talks, teleclasses and webinars recently around the release of my new book. One of my favorites was a interview I gave on the subject of taming our [...]
As humans it is in our nature to experience clarity and spaciousness all the time. The problem is we lose focus, get off balance, and forget how. So how do we dial it back – or even begin [...]
“Earth is crammed with heaven.” –Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Dear Friends, If you’re reading this it means that the world did not end on December 21st as predicted in the Mayan [...]
Be at peace and know that all is well. Today is the day! The day when, according to the Mayan sages, the world as we know it will end. There’s been a rash of articles and videos making the [...]
“As energy that is attractive, creative, and transformative, expressing appreciation is pure gold for how it can change your life on a dime. And it costs nothing but a little mindful [...]
Wondering what a one-minute practice of conscious gratitude might look like, I posed it as a question to myself one morning before getting out of bed. What popped up was the directive to “thank [...]
It has been a week of epic proportions. Hurricane Sandy delivered a massive punch to all of us on the east coast. With the winds gusting upwards 80 miles an hour, amazingly, our home did not lose [...]
Does one ever get done clearing? I was asked that question recently by the folks that are publishing my book in Danish. Here’s what I told them: The bad news is that clearing never ends. [...]
It’s been a year since I took an online course for women called Feminine Power. It was profound and life changing. Landing a book contract, a column in the Huffington Post, book [...]