“How many times have you passed a penny on the street without bending down to pick it up? Don’t you think a penny is money? Penny has a mother, her name is dime. Dime has a father; [...]
My brush with the “Ones” came early this year – in my car! Any day is a great day to create an altar in your home for re-membering and letting go, but if you really want to harness the cosmic [...]
There’s a big global happening on November 11, 2011 at 11:11 at GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). And everybody’s invited! (Pssst, don’t worry if you’re reading this after the [...]
It’s that time of year again when it is believed that the veil between the living and the spirit world is the thinnest. I don’t know about you but in less than a week I’ve heard [...]
If you read my last post you know that I am loving Oprah’s new program on her OWN network called Lifeclass. Every week night at 8 pm ET she showers us with inspirational messages: lessons, [...]
Last week I attended the first of Oprah’s new series of classes airing now on her OWN Network. It was fabulous. I have been watching every night since. I have loved them all, especially [...]
“Change happens slowly, then all at once.” –Unknown. Dear Friends, This has been an exciting last couple of weeks for me. As many of you know, my first article was published in the [...]
“Set yourself on fire and seek those who would fan your flame.” –Rumi. If there’s something you’ve been hankering to do, be, or have…. Something that wakes you up in [...]
“Change happens slowly, then all at once.” –Jay W. Vogt This has been a big week for me; a big dream come true. My first article just went live on the Huffington Post!! It’s a [...]
“The Boomers are Coming and They Won’t Play Dead.” This was the message on one of the gorgeous banners of the new division of Huffington Post that was unveiled this week on [...]