One-Minute to Flow

“Moving beyond my amateur doggy paddle. Learned the breast stroke today.”–Oprah Yes even the most famous and masterful among us push through resistance and fear to overcome a personal [...]

Travel to Wellness

When Anne Dimon, editor of Travel to Wellness, offered me the opportunity to become a regular contributor for the magazine, my first reaction was an enthusiastic yes! I love travel, and what [...]

The Gift of Simple

“The peculiar grace of a shaker chair is due to the fact that it was made by someone capable of believing that an angel might come and sit in it.” –Edward Deming Andrews. Why do [...]

Your Last Words

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that’s waiting for us.”–Joseph Campbell. So you’re on your deathbed. You’ve lived a long and vibrant [...]

SpaceClear Makeover

If you’ve been wondering lately what happened to my postings that have appeared twice a week without fail since December 2008, here’s why: (my Web site) and SpaceClear Reflections [...]

From Storm to Stillness

A tickle in my throat last week has turned into a full-blown, all-consuming, unrelenting hack-a-thon. Days of waking up like it’s Groundhog Day: in a trash heap of sweat, cough drop wrappers, and [...]