“Moving beyond my amateur doggy paddle. Learned the breast stroke today.”–Oprah Yes even the most famous and masterful among us push through resistance and fear to overcome a personal [...]
Moved by her final shows: joyful retrospectives of her extraordinary contributions to the world, I emailed Oprah at end of her 25th season. I thanked her for giving us so much, being so real, and [...]
When Anne Dimon, editor of Travel to Wellness, offered me the opportunity to become a regular contributor for the magazine, my first reaction was an enthusiastic yes! I love travel, and what [...]
Dear Sisters… It’s no secret that women have a critical role to play in shaping the future. The Dalai Lama’s proclamation that “the world will be saved by the Western [...]
“The peculiar grace of a shaker chair is due to the fact that it was made by someone capable of believing that an angel might come and sit in it.” –Edward Deming Andrews. Why do [...]
“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that’s waiting for us.”–Joseph Campbell. So you’re on your deathbed. You’ve lived a long and vibrant [...]
SpaceClear.com has morphed several times since 2001 when it was founded. I cringe when I think of what we used to look like back in the day when internet was still so young. As of this week, [...]
If you’ve been wondering lately what happened to my postings that have appeared twice a week without fail since December 2008, here’s why: SpaceClear.com (my Web site) and SpaceClear Reflections [...]
A tickle in my throat last week has turned into a full-blown, all-consuming, unrelenting hack-a-thon. Days of waking up like it’s Groundhog Day: in a trash heap of sweat, cough drop wrappers, and [...]
Support your clearing If you feel you would benefit by sharing your clearing experiences with others and could use the extra support and encouragement, I recommend you organize a six-week live or [...]