“Surrendering to slumber does more than just restore the ability to function efficiently – it actually generates that clear and transparent state of mind we call wakefulness.” [...]
Less stuff equals greater happiness, according to Graham Hill, who makes a brilliant case for dialing it down in this cut-to-the chase 5-minute TED talk (shown below). Treehugger.com founder, [...]
I’m super excited to announce that my book is now available as a downloadable app! Even if you already own a copy of Your Spacious Self book or ebook (or can’t imagine reading an [...]
You don’t need to know feng shui principles to benefit from their ancient wisdom. The video below, which showed up on my YouTube sidebar, is a good example. With simple tips, it shows you [...]
“We are dreaming the world into being through the very act of witnessing it.” –Alberto Villoldo, PhD. Take a look around you. What do you see? What is it that you are witnessing? More [...]
“This moment deserves your full attention, for it will not pass your way again. ” –Dan Millman When I was ten I got my first camera – an Instamatic with the flash “cubes” [...]
In 2007 I published my first book. It was a thing of beauty. What most people don’t know is that bringing “my baby” into the world took years. It was a journey that looked [...]
I just saw a video that is both exquisite and mesmerizing. It comes from the Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations site at Harvard. I’d love to know what you think… and feel… [...]
Turkeys get a bad rap until it’s Thanksgiving Day, when they hold court and have us bending over backwards fussing all over them (notwithstanding their demise). Unless you’re [...]
No one would argue that most of us do too much. Our days are filled with energy outputs that don’t add up to anything, or yield. With our lives filled with noise and endless, mechanical [...]