Your Last Words

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that’s waiting for us.”–Joseph Campbell. So you’re on your deathbed. You’ve lived a long and vibrant [...]

Year of the “One”

  111111. This was my odometer on May 29, 2011 on that dreamy day that Prince William married Princess Catherine (Kate Middleton).  I was driving to Connecticut to teach a four-day workshop [...]


Manifest. Mani as in many. Fest as in celebration… and joy! I recently came across a terrific manifesting exercise on Arielle Ford’s blog. Though it is written for those seeking to [...]

Life by Me: Home

What is meaningful to you? One of my articles was published recently in Life by Me, a beautiful online space that features some brilliant minds and big hearts –  both famous and unknown. Every [...]

I Am…Inspired

There’s a documentary that is making the rounds that I can’t wait to see. It’s called I Am. The director Tom Shadyac, was living the rich and famous dream life of a Hollywood [...]