One Way to Unwind

“The point of the labyrinth is to enjoy the journey. All you have to do is follow the path and you will get there.”–Denny Dyke. Labyrinths have been around for centuries. Not to be [...]

Transformation Takes Work

“I bought the diet book, but ate my usual foods.” “I filled the prescription, but didn’t take the meds.” “I took the course… well, I watched the [...]

Sleep Matters

“Tell me, is there any reason not to feel like you’re in heaven when you crawl into bed every night?” –A Year to Clear Whether or not you’re sleeping like a baby these [...]

The Inconvenient Truth of Stuff

The video (below) by Erin Janus has been making the rounds. It’s good. It lays it on thick. Even just watching half of it gets the point across. Yes, no one would argue that the world is [...]

Why Making Your Bed Matters

That’s not me in the photo, but it could be, doing one of my favorite things. Yes, I love making the bed in the morning. It’s part of my daily ritual – after a quick meditation and [...]

What Would You Say?

Ladies, what would you say to your younger self? If you had a chance to live your life over again, or go back just a few years even, what would you do? What would you do differently? Here’s [...]

Life is a Garden

“Life is a garden not a road   we enter and exit through the same gate   wandering,   where we go matters less than what we notice”   –Bokonon (The Lost Book)* [...]