“Love, love, love is sunshine.” –James Taylor Whether you’re feeling joyful or blue, light or heavy-hearted, close your eyes and click the video below. Allow this James Taylor [...]
Does it really matter if we see the glass half-full or half-empty? Positive psychologist and happiness expert, Shawn Achor, tells Oprah in this short interview that it doesn’t. Here’s why:
What happens to our possessions once they come through the door? This is probably one of the best comedy routines I’ve ever seen on the natural evolution of STUFF – with a blow-by-blow [...]
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.”–Mary Oliver. The average american will live an average of 28,835 days. Here’s what that might look [...]
“Stop. Now. Whether you know it or not, you are at the end of your search for relief, peace, and meaning in your life. No more seeking. No more wandering. No more waiting. The peace you [...]
“Enthusiasm moves the world.”–Arthur Balfour. Remember patty cake, that clapping game that we played as kids? In the video below, four young people take the concept to a whole new, [...]
“There is no getting around the past when everything in the home points to it.”–sbv. Dear Friends, Some of you may have noticed that there was no summer newsletter. That’s [...]
“Added up, objects become clutter. Clutter becomes noise. And noise—in all of its forms—blocks spiritual growth, starting with an inability to simply feel happy. Happiness needs [...]
“Whatever your passion is, do it! Do it not because of some desired outcome, but because your soul depends on it.”–Stephanie Bennett Vogt I put together a short video that tells my [...]
This is a photo of my wedding shoes. I wore them just once on my wedding day 29 years ago and I’ve kept them neatly in this box ever since. Why? Because these grass-stained relics remind me [...]