Question from a student: “I was wondering, when you began clearing did everything in your home feel like it needed to be cleared? This feeling is so overwhelming at times. I physically [...]
I was twenty-three years old when I first (consciously) experienced this memorable life lesson. I was (the new) Director of Social Functions of a preeminent boarding school at the time. To kick [...]
Two things that made me laugh out loud this week had to do with canines (with a latin flare). The first is a cartoon of guy walking his dog talking to another guy with a dog – a [...]
Remember the catchy Nike print ad “Just Do It”? Now watch this video message by Abraham-Hicks. Which concept feels to you like it has more depth and vitality? Invites greater [...]
Did you know that 17.8 tons of bulk mail is delivered annually? If you read my recent post “Managing the Mountain of Mail (Or Whatever Burdens You), you might appreciate this one from my [...]
What’s lurking in your wallet (purse, coat pocket, back seat of your car…) that you no longer love, use or need? Some of the items that came out of the clearing practice we did as [...]
I gave a teleclass on Space Clearing which was very fun and wonderful. Cyndi Silva, the host of the Wisdom Wednesday Show, made it very easy for me to share what I know about this art and science [...]
You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather. –Pema Chödrön I often use the metaphor of the weather to teach a key principle of letting go I call spacious detachment. It [...]
Guess which window was the first to get cleaned today after an embarrassingly long period of time (read: years)…? It might come as a shock to you all, but yes, I still find things that need [...]
September. It’s my favorite month of the year. More than just it being one of the most beautiful and bountiful months in New England where I live, September has always been a time of shift [...]