Taking the High Road

Here’s what I’m wondering today: What helps you move from that place I call “Not-knowing”… to… Knowing…? You know… that crossroad-y place we find [...]

Living the Answers

This is the last in a series of posts* on reinventing ourselves, excerpted from Your Spacious Self. Enjoy!   Quitting the career and job that defined me for two decades detailed in the last [...]

Stepping Out of Comfort into Not-Knowing

“There is a grief that occurs when who you thought you were begins to disappear.” – Ram Dass As I prepare to pitch my book and my message in a bigger way, I’m being reminded of [...]

Coming Clear: Confessions of a Packrat

“I want to shed my waste with quiet reverence like the pine… Keep me mindful of what I take into my home, the items brought to substitute for real living…Help me slowly to surrender all excess.” [...]

“Reel” Good News

Now for some Reel Good News. This just in from my friends at the Spiritual Cinema Circle… “Barbara Marx Hubbard, has created a must-see documentary Visions of a Universal Humanity [...]