Love, Earth

Hugh MacLeod is a cartoonist with a beautiful, if quirky message. I subscribe to his daily cartoon blog: Gapingvoid. Below is his message for today. Happy Earth Day everyone! “Earthquakes, [...]

Social Networking: How Much is Too Much?

I am fascinated by the world of social media and social networking. I love the implications of “tribes” finding each other and connecting around common interests. I love writing too, [...]

Lost and Found in Letting Go

“An organized clutter of thoughts consumed me – pulled me through the fog of grief that had settled….and then the memorial was done.  There was nothing left to organize, nothing left to [...]

Extreme Clearing vs. The Slow-Drip Effect

“Change happens slowly, then all at once.” – Jay W. Vogt Thanks to Mother Nature and major flooding in our area, we got a head start clearing the junk in our basement this year. Not [...]

Farewell, Fridge

Our beloved refrigerator leaves us today. I can hear her humming away in the other room – as she has for 25 years – oblivious to her fate. It’s like we’re putting her down. We bought [...]

It’s Amazing

What is one song that is certain to lift your spirits?  Change your mood in less than one minute? Give you goosebumps? I have two. 1.  “Golden” by Jill Scott. Not only do I feel [...]