Singing the Song Inside You

“Don’t go with the song still inside you.” This is the music soundtrack behind the film The Shift, starring Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Music by Ethan Lipton and Christopher Ferreira. [...]

Who Are You, Really?

“When how a person occurs to himself alters, everything else shifts as well.” I believe that “spaciousness” is something that expresses itself in infinite ways. [...]

Where The Mind Goes, Energy Flows

An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil [...]

Peace is Possible

Peace is Possible A group spent days visiting with the Dalai Lama focusing upon what they believe are five most important questions to be considered. The five questions were: 1. How do we address [...]

Cultivating Ease

Ease. For such a little word, it lingers and expands if you say it out loud. Repeat it slowly – with awareness – and you might even feel your nervous system relax. Insert the phrase “I [...]