My Beautiful Blog

If blogs are homes, then I’ve outgrown mine. Again. It’s been nearly a year of musing, shmoozing, sharing, wondering, nooding, exploring… Expanding. Two posts a week adds up, [...]

Thought Clouds

Wondering what a thought cloud is? Set a timer for 60 seconds and write down every thought that goes through your mind without censoring it. Phrases, single words, repetitive grunts, random [...]

Gratitude: A Visual Feast

  “There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” – Rumi ‘Tis the season. Gratitude in pictures…and a movie. What are you grateful for? How does gratitude [...]

Harvest Praise

The late fall colors may be more muted in tone right now, but the stark intensity of exposed branches takes my breath away. You gotta love a season that produces such a splendid array of  gnarly [...]