If ease does not come easily to you (and even if it does), you might appreciate this short piece by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love. I discovered it in a free e-book compiled by Seth [...]
What does it take to move through fear? Why is it so hard to say no? Why is fear of embarrassment so paralyzing? How do we move through the dark places in our lives and come out the other side – [...]
“A new species is evolving on the planet, and you are it.” – Eckhart Tolle Can you handle a little mind bending? Here’s a YouTube video that caught my eye recently. It goes [...]
I’m not an astrologer, forecaster, or an diviner of the future. But readings which offer perspective and practical insight about the times in which we live get my attention. Based on what [...]
If blogs are homes, then I’ve outgrown mine. Again. It’s been nearly a year of musing, shmoozing, sharing, wondering, nooding, exploring… Expanding. Two posts a week adds up, [...]
Wondering what a thought cloud is? Set a timer for 60 seconds and write down every thought that goes through your mind without censoring it. Phrases, single words, repetitive grunts, random [...]
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strong pull of what you really love.” – Rumi One of my biggest ah-has in the clearing journey has been this one: It’s all well and good to [...]
“There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” – Rumi ‘Tis the season. Gratitude in pictures…and a movie. What are you grateful for? How does gratitude [...]
The late fall colors may be more muted in tone right now, but the stark intensity of exposed branches takes my breath away. You gotta love a season that produces such a splendid array of gnarly [...]