November is like the middle child, caught between the October’s extroverted color displays and December’s tingly lightness. November in New England is the unspectacular sibling, [...]
If you want to press my button, just start zoning out while I’m bearing my soul. Or interrupt me with Call Waiting while I’m sharing the best part of my story. This is not just a pet [...]
I’m writing a book about Simplicity. I’m finding the process excruciatingly not simple! After two days of thrashing and butting up against all my resisting, exhausting, [...]
Here’s something I don’t understand: Seeing a drainer full of dry dishes getting piled onto by a layer of wet ones because nobody bothers to put away the original set. Am I the only [...]
Today is Day of the Dead. It also happens to be my birthday. Depending on one’s orientation and state of being, both occasions have the word fiesta written all over them. If you live in [...]
What’s going through your mind? What I mean is… What are you thinking about? Right this second. Do you have 35 things spinning around in your head at the same time? Are you skimming [...]
I love the simplicity of venturing out every week to the local CSA farm where we get our produce. Tromping through the fields to gather fresh flowers, pick raspberries (which never make it past [...]
It’s the name of a book I bought on pure impulse. And desire. Permission to Nap. I love the title. It’s so luxurious. It captures the essence so much better than the Spanish word [...]
I don’t know about you, but one longing glance at a potato chip or a kiddie-size cone seems to automatically add a pound on my scale the next morning. It’s a bummer too. When I was [...]
How do we cultivate happiness in hard times? Especially when there is so much stress in the world. Today’s five-minute movie feature is Tony Robbins on Good Morning America. Though his [...]