Sleeping in… on a supremely cooshy bed, with soft sheets, and the perfect pillow. Sipping a fabulous cup of coffee in a sunny window seat from a mug that I cradle with both hands. Taking [...]
The blues went away when I began to honor my long-postponed dream/desire/obsession with going back to school to finish an interrupted bachelor’s degree. Thirty some years later I enrolled [...]
“One day a client oozed into my office, slumped into a chair, and said she was depressed—only she said it so slowly that I thought she said “deep rest.” In a way, this was [...]
What I really want to know is: Are you happy? I came upon two articles recently that got my attention. Maureen Dowd reported in her New York Times Op-Ed piece Blue Is the New Black that [...]
I love to mix things up when it comes to this blog. Practical tips. Inspiring poetry. Beautiful photographs. Funny cartoons. Good stories. Helpful resources. Wonder questions… My only [...]
BE peace to have peace. There’s no other way. Monday, September 21 is World Peace Day. Enjoy this beauty of a video brought to us by [To view, click the center of the [...]
There’s no hiding our past. Our joys and our sorrows, our past and our present is all there for everyone to see – etched in our face. Wrinkles, dimples, crooked chins, deep-set eyes, big [...]
“There is nothing either good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.” –Shakespeare, Hamlet Have you ever stopped whatever you were doing to simply observe your thoughts? Yes, to do nothing else but [...]
No matter how bad things may seem sometimes, it’s good to be reminded that the ride is a choice for the most part. And worth it. At least that’s what the Law of Attraction folks say. [...]